7 major issues that is solved with Bootstrap 5

Vahid Sediqi
3 min readJul 21, 2020


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In this short article, I am going to share the 7 major issues with the previews version of bootstrap that is solved in bootstrap 5

1. Bootstrap 5 Documentation has been improved

In Bootstrap 5 the documentation has been improved there is more look and feel and more information especially when it comes to customization one of the issues with bootstrap over years is that a lot of them seem to be the same, but in bootstrap 5 they have given more guidelines to customize your theme there is also a starter NPM project which is also available as a template in GitHub repo .

2. The new color palette has been added

In Bootstrap 5 we no longer use the default colors provided by bootstrap, The color palette has also been expanded for me further customization it has many different shades of different colors similar to another CSS framework like materialized.

3. No more JQuery

The best part of all is there is no more JQuery, no more dependency on the JQuery library you just need the bootstrap JavaScript file although PopperJS is still used for tooltips it seems that they are trying to make version 5 future-friendly they have even dropped support for our Internet Explorer.

4. Form layout has been changed

The bootstrap form component and the documentation have also been updated the have redesigned the form control.

All checkboxes, radios, select lists,s and things like that all have a custom appearance to unify the style and behavior across all operating systems and all browsers.

5. Utility API

It has a new utility API that is really nice they have created syntax in SASS to create our own utility on the fly and give us the ability to modify or remove the utilities that are already provided

This is a sample of width utility we can create a new file and over write it and we can also create our own

6. The new Grid System

Bootstrap also has Enhanced Grid System there is a new layout for Extra Small (XXL)

Gutter replaced with .g* using spacers

7. SVG icons added to bootstrap 5

Now Bootstrap 5 also has its own icons so now we don’t have to use something like font-awesome you can use bootstrap icons which is SVG it has a really easy setup you can be installed by NPM.

Get Started

To open the bootstrap 5 website Click here

NPM installation

npm i bootstrap@next

npm i bootstrap@5.0.0-alpha



Vahid Sediqi

I am Vahid Sediqi, WordPress and web designing expert I help you to define the right goals for your website and become digitally successful with your existing o